Experiencing a crisis? Call 911 or use 988 to call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Coaches Assistance Program

Athlete suicide is very real and on the rise.

The Jason Foundation and E4 Health feel that it’s imperative that athletic department personnel, especially coaches, athletic trainers and academic advisors, notice team members’ behavioral changes and emotional struggles. These changes could be warning signs of suicidal ideation and it’s an opportunity for you to save a life.

Coaches Assistance Program (C.A.P.) is here to provide the education and help that you may need to recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide. Information is also provided to help you guide and support your athletes through stressful life situations.

When you hear, “I just need to talk to somebody”, you’ll know what to do.

National Community Affiliates
Acadia Health
Lifepoint Behavioral Health
Signature Healthcare Services
National Awareness Affiliates
Attorneys General