The Jason Foundation, Inc. series of online Staff Development Training Modules provide information on the awareness and prevention of youth suicide. These training modules are suitable for teachers, coaches, other school personnel, youth workers, first responders, foster parents, and any adult who works with or interacts with young people or wants to learn more about youth suicide. This series of programs introduces the scope and magnitude of the problem of youth suicide, the signs of concern, risk factors, how to recognize young people who may be struggling, and how to approach the student and help at-risk youth find resources for assistance. After each training module, an opportunity to print a certificate of completion is provided.

2-Hour Courses
Youth Suicide: A Silent Epidemic
This training module is presented by Clark Flatt, President of JFI and Jason’s dad. It’s an introduction to the national health issue of youth suicide and provides information about warning signs, elevated risk factors, and other important supporting materials. This will enable participants to help recognize/respond to at-risk individuals and assist you in creating an action plan and resources. This is the ideal training to start with if you have never taken suicide awareness and prevention training in the past.
Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation
This training is a more in-depth study of the problem of youth suicide and how teachers/youth workers can make a difference by gaining the tools and resources to help an at-risk student. It uses the educator’s tools of observation, identification, and intervention to hopefully direct a positive future for a young person who may be suffering from suicidal ideation. Information from experts is included as well as a discussion of some of the mental health issues surrounding suicidal ideation.
Prevention is the Key
This training module gives teachers and youth leaders practical information to establish a plan of action for the school and the teacher if suicide ideation is suspected or identified in a student. Suggestions for designing protocols of action to promote a safe environment and what actions to take for the teacher and the school at large are included. Prevention is the key, and this module is a guide to being proactive in establishing the best possible attributes for the prevention of youth suicide or suicide attempts.
The History of Suicide Prevention
In this training module, Dr. Kenneth Tullis shares his extensive research into the history of suicide prevention. He shares how religion, the law, and science have all played a part in developing suicide prevention efforts and explores whether suicide is a sin, a crime, or has something to do with mental health. You will find this study to be interesting and informative.
1-Hour Courses
Our 1-hour training modules and research are presented by Dr. Scott Poland and/or Richard Lieberman, noted experts in the suicide prevention field.
Bullying and Suicide
This training module delves into the problem of bullying in schools and its relation to suicide. Facts, myths, and research regarding bullying and suicide are discussed. Suggested protective factors and recommendations are provided for educators.
Childhood and Teen Depression
This training module looks at depression in children and teens. Childhood and teen depression differs greatly from adult depression in many aspects. Depression is one of the leading causes of suicide attempts.
Developing a Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Protocol for Elementary Schools
This training module aims to provide a blueprint for suicide prevention in elementary schools, specifically for students in K-6. Safe messaging, depression incidence among elementary-aged children and protocol suggestions are discussed.
Non-Suicide Self-Injury
This training discusses the issue of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and how it relates to suicidal ideation. Examples of NSSI, contributing factors, and signs associated with the behavior are studied. Also, recommendations on how to respond to a young person who may be struggling with these habits are provided.
Suicide Contagion and Clusters
A closer look at suicide contagion and clusters, defining each and the part you can play in preventing them in your schools and communities. You’ll learn about how these contagions and clusters are not new in our society and what groups are most at risk.
Suicide Postvention: The Critical Role of Educators
This training module discusses creating an action plan for the aftermath of a suicide. There are many actions that schools should avoid in the wake of a student suicide. The presenters examine the scope and magnitude of people affected by a suicide.
Suicide Prevention in Challenging Times
From pandemics to social unrest, challenging times seem to be the norm. In this training module, noted suicide prevention expert Scott Poland explains how all of us can play a role in helping to prevent suicide from becoming a normal response to the challenges we face. Poland discusses everything from bullying to self-care and how you can recognize the signs and concerns surrounding suicidal behavior among the young people in your life.
Suicide Prevention in Schools: Contemporary Issues
This module features Clark Flatt, Founder, and President of The Jason Foundation, along with noted experts in the suicide prevention field, Dr. Scott Poland and Richard Lieberman. COVID’s impact on youth risk factors, trends in youth suicide, safe messaging, and contemporary issues in suicide prevention are discussed.
Supporting LGBT Students in Schools: Suicide Prevention Among LGBT Youth
This training module examines how suicide affects the LGBTQ community. The school environment can have an enormous impact on a young person’s life. It is vitally important to ensure that schools make all students feel welcome and safe. LGBTQ students are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts than their heterosexual peers.
Tools of Suicide Prevention for School Professionals
This module highlights the responsibility of all school personnel to address suicidal ideation and behavior among students. Several tools are introduced to school professionals for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.
About Our Contributors

Clark Flatt
President/Founding Member – The Jason Foundation, Inc.
B.S. Business Administration – TN Technological University (1973)
Masters of Divinity – Vanderbilt University (1976)
Clark Flatt, BS, M.Div. is a nationally recognized speaker on the topic of youth suicide awareness and prevention. With over 20 years in the field of suicide prevention, Mr. Flatt, as President of The Jason Foundation, Inc., leads one of the nation’s oldest and largest non-profits whose mission is addressing the national health crisis of youth suicide.

Dr. Scott Poland
Dr. Scott Poland is a Professor at the College of Psychology and the Director of the Suicide and Violence Prevention Office for NSU Florida in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
The presenter, a licensed psychologist is an internationally recognized expert on youth suicide and school crisis and has authored or co-authored six books and many chapters on the subject. He authored the K-12 school suicide prevention plans or toolkits for Florida, Montana, and Texas.
He is a past President of the National Association of School Psychologists and has testified about youth suicide prevention before the U.S. Congress on four occasions.

Richard Lieberman
Richard Lieberman MA, NCSP is a Lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at Loyola Marymount University and a Lead Suicide Prevention Consultant for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. He has co-authored numerous book chapters, articles and curricula on suicide prevention in the schools; consulted nationally with districts and communities experiencing suicide clusters; served on the Steering Committee for the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and contributed to the SAMHSA Preventing Suicide and SPRC/AFSP After a Suicide school toolkits, and the AFSP & California Department of Education’s Model Youth Suicide Prevention Policy.