During the 2012 legislative session, HB 543, also known as The Jason Flatt Act in honor of Joseph Anielski, was passed.
The Jason Flatt Act of Ohio
HB 543
Effective March 22, 2013
Governor John Kasich signed the bill into law on December 20, 2012. This legislation requires mandatory youth suicide prevention training for certain school personnel employed by a school district or service center.
Major components of the legislation are:
- Suicide prevention education is required for each person employed by a school district or service center to work as a nurse, teacher, counselor, school psychologist, or administrator and any other personnel the board determines appropriate.
- This training will be incorporated into the in-service training required by existing law for persons employed by schools.
- This in-service training shall count toward the requirements for professional development required by the school district or service center board.
- This education may be accomplished through self-review of suitable suicide prevention material.
Each of The Jason Foundation Staff Development Modules has been developed to meet a two-hour continuing education requirement for suicide awareness and prevention program. Before completing any suicide awareness training program, please check with your State Board of Education, State Teacher Certification Board or school superintendent to determine that the program meets the requirements for your State.
You will be eligible to receive your certificate once all chapters of a module have been viewed and you have successfully completed the quiz that follows.