Experiencing a crisis? Call 911 or use 988 to call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.


You can make a difference and help us fight the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide. Below is a list of things you can do in your own community to make a difference.

  • Educate yourself about the magnitude of the problem, the signs of concern and the tools of prevention.
  • Encourage your local school system to incorporate The Jason Foundation school-based curriculum into their guidance or health/wellness programs. Click here to learn more.
  • Encourage the administration of your local school to provide staff training for all school personnel. Click here to learn more.
  • Encourage your local schools and youth organizations to place The Jason Foundations Parent Resource Program on their website. Schools and organizations can contact us here for the instructions and button.
  • Encourage your local service organizations, churches and community centers to become aware of the problem of youth suicide and its prevention opportunities.
  • Watch and listen to your children and pay attention to sudden changes in behavior that cause you concern.
  • Be willing to seek professional help and guidance if you feel your child is becoming depressed or contemplating hurting him/herself.
  • Talk openly and honestly with your child or your child’s friends about your concerns and be supportive in helping them cope with their feelings.
  • Use the Community Assistance Resource Line (C.A.R.L.) to talk with a professional, about any concerns you have about a young person or a situation. The C.A.R.L. Line is answered 24/7, is confidential and is provided at no-cost. 1-877-778-CARL(2275)
National Community Affiliates
Acadia Health
Lifepoint Behavioral Health
Signature Healthcare Services
National Awareness Affiliates
Attorneys General