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A Promise for Tomorrow Program Kit Download


Congratulations on your decision to facilitate the “Promise for Tomorrow” Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention instructional unit. This unit will provide your students or group participants with the resources and information needed to help them in the fight against the “silent epidemic” of youth suicide. In the downloadable section below, you will find a complete “teacher-friendly” lesson plan to present a multi-session (usually 3 to 5 sessions) program on awareness and prevention of youth suicide. Please follow the lesson plans as closely as possible. The materials are designed to and should always work in conjunction with the companion “Choices” video. The first step in facilitating this unit is to familiarize yourself with each of the components. These items can be reviewed on your computer screen or printed. You will also want to view the video before getting started. Once you become familiar with the complete unit you will then be able to facilitate in a confident and relaxed manner. Thank you for joining the fight against Youth Suicide!


Curriculum Kit—English Version

When you download the curriculum kit, you will receive all of the information necessary to present the entire unit of study. Included in the download are the teacher manual , promise cards and a PowerPoint presentation. The teacher manual is an easy to use instructional manual which includes lesson plans for use either in a five lesson format for a traditional high school schedule of 50 to 60 minute classes or as a three day alternative plan to accommodate block schedules. Also included in the download is a PowerPoint presentation that coincides with the information provided in the teacher manual and can be used to help present the materials to the class. Promise Cards are pledge cards. A promise card is a way for the student to promise that he/she will be there for their friends. You may print as many promise cards as you need. This is optional for the students.


Curriculum version en Española

Cando usted baje el kit de curricular, usted va a recibir toda la información necesaria para poder presentar la unidad completa de estudio. Esta incluye el manual de profesores, “Choices” el video, las cartas de promesas y la presentación de PowerPoint. El manual de profesores es muy fácil de usar, en el está incluido los planes de lecciones para poderlas usar como el formato de cinco lecciones para una escuela tradicional de 50 a 60 minutos de clase o como plan alternativo de 3 días para acomodar los block schedule. El video de “Choices” presenta las discusiones de historia de dos jóvenes que presentan intento de suicidio y como ellos funcionan con su familia y amigos. Este video es para usar solamente con la unidad de curricular. No usarlo solo. También está incluida una presentación de PowerPoint que coincide con la unidad de manual de profesores y puede ser usada para poder presentar el material a la clase. Las cartas de promesa. Son una carta de promesa que el estudiante hace. La promesa es que él o ella va a estar presente para poder ayudar a sus compañeros. Usted puede imprimir cuantas el estudiante necesite. Estas cartas son opcionales para cada estudiante.

C.A.R.L. Line

The Community Assistance Resource Line (C.A.R.L.) is a unique and innovative feature to The Jason Foundatizipon Youth Suicide Prevention Programs. It is a 24-hour/seven day a week telephone “Resource Line” for anyone who needs information regarding suicidal ideation in youth.

La Línea de Recursos de Ayuda para la Comunidad (C.A.R.L.)

La Línea de Recursos de Ayuda para la Comunidad (C.A.R.L.) es una característica innovadora y única de los Programas de Prevención del Suicidio entre los Jóvenes de The Jason Foundation (La Fundación Jason). Es una Línea de Recursos telefónica que está disponible las 24 horas del día los siete días de la semana para cualquier persona que necesite información en lo que se refiere a las ideas suicidas en los jóvenes.

Teacher Resource Sheet

A worksheet appropriate for facilitators to print out and record phone numbers for local resources available to students who may be at risk. These resources should be researched and verified by the facilitator prior to presenting the program and retained for future application and need. Download.

Información de Recursos para el maestro

Una hoja de trabajo apropiada para que los facilitadores la impriman. Los facilitadores deben registrar en ella los números de teléfono de los recursos locales disponibles para los estudiantes que puedan estar en riesgo. Los facilitadores deben investigar y verificar estos recursos antes de presentar el programa y guardarlos para aplicaciones futuras según se necesite. Descargar.

Youth Fact Sheet

This is a quick reference to youth suicide facts. It may be used by facilitators to enhance or respond to discussions within the course of the instructions of “A Promise for Tomorrow.” More facts and information can be obtained through The Jason Foundation website. For convenience, this form can be printed. Download.

Hoja de Datos del Suicidio entre los Jóvenes

Esta es una referencia rápida referente a los hechos sobre el suicidio entre los jóvenes. Los facilitadores pueden usarla para realzar o responder en las discusiones dentro del curso de instrucción “Una Promesa para el Mañana”. Se pueden obtener más datos e información por medio de The Jason Foundation (La Fundación Jason) en el sitio web en jasonfoundation.com. Para mayor conveniencia, esta forma se puede imprimir. Descargar.

Online Staff Brochure

The staff training online brochure provides the information needed to access the teacher/youth worker staff development training modules provided on the JFI website. Download.

En Línea Folleto de Personal

El entrenamiento de personal que se encuentra en el internet provee información necesaria para poder acceder al profesor/joven trabajador que se encuentran desarrollando los módulos que provienen de la fundación JFI.

Choices Poster

A poster suitable for display during the course for “A Promise for Tomorrow” instruction or as needed. 8.5×11 | 11×17

Posters “Choices”

Posters que se pueden exponer durante el curso “Una Promesa Para El Mañana” instrucciones necesarias están en disposición cuando las necesite. 8.5×11 | 11×17

JFI Brochure

A reference to the organization of The Jason Foundation and all the programs that are available for youth suicide awareness and prevention. Download.

Folleto Para JFI

Una referencia para la organización de la función de Jason y todos los programas esta a su disposición para jóvenes que necesitan ayuda con prevención y conocimiento sobre el suicidio.

B1 Brochure

The B1 Brochure outlines the B1 Project with Rascal Flatts. The theme of the project is, “Someone you know may need a friend, B1.” Download.

B1 Pledge Card

This is a wallet card that will allow students to make a pledge to be a support for their friends. The card gives information about how to Be Aware (and understand the problem of youth suicide), Be Able to Identify (the warning signs of suicidal thoughts) and Be Prepared to React (have a plan in place in the event your friend displays warning signs of suicide). Download.

B1 Rascal Flatts Poster

A poster suitable for display during the course for “A Promise for Tomorrow” instruction or as needed. 8.5×11

App Youth Poster

A  poster suitable for display about the “A Friend Asks” phone app. “A Friend Asks” is a smart-phone app to help provide the information, tools and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. The App is available on the Apple App Store, Android Market Store and The Jason Foundation website. Download.

“A Friend Asks” Pocket Card

A pocket card for youth about the “A Friend Asks” phone app. “A Friend Asks” is a smart-phone app to help provide the information, tools and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide. The App is available on the Apple App Store, Android Market Store and The Jason Foundation website.  Contact The Jason Foundation to order these cards for your youth. Download.

National Community Affiliates
Acadia Health
Lifepoint Behavioral Health
Signature Healthcare Services
National Awareness Affiliates
Attorneys General